Direct form

Transactions are carried out using special function codes to be passed in the IniciaFuncaoSiTefInterativo routine.

long IniciaFuncaoSiTefInterativo (Function, Value, FiscalCoupon, FiscalDate, Time, Operator, ParamAdic);

ASCII interface:

IniciaFuncaoSiTefInterativoA (Result, Function, Value, TaxCoupon, TaxData,
Schedule, Operator, ParamAdic);

Through the Function parameter of the routines above, which of the transactions will be executed is chosen. To consult transaction codes see item “Tabela de códigos de funções” of the document “SiTef - Interface Simplificada com a aplicação.pdf”.

To directly access the Digital Wallet Balance Inquiry option, without having to go through the administrative menu, the code below must be used in the Function parameter of the IniciaFuncaoSitefInterativo routine:

127Digital Wallet Balance Check