Payment Facilitator


This item will present features for routing transactions in the Payment Facilitator via acquiring processed by Fiserv.

Attention: To operate as a Payment Facilitator, you will need to have a PFAC ID with the brands, sign a contract with the acquirer and request access to the specific environment for testing.

Establishments that operate as Payment Facilitators intermediate other establishments (submerchants) to accept electronic payments at the acquirer. To operate in this mode, it will be necessary to request configuration on the register and transmit specific information about the operations of your submerchants according to instructions.


  • Resource: /e-sitef/api/v2/payments/
  • HTTP Method: POST
  • Request format: JSON
  • Response format: JSON
  • Header parameters:
merchant_idMerchant code on Carat Portal. The production and certification codes will be different.< 15 ANYES
merchant_keyMerchant authentication key on Carat Portal. The production and certification keys will be different.< 80 ANYES
Content-TypeIt must be sent with the value application/json.= 15 ANYES


To use this example, don't forget to define the variable {{url}} with the value


curl --location 'https://{{url}}/e-sitef/api/v2/payments/'
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
--header 'merchant_id: xxxxxxxxx'
--header 'merchant_key: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
--data '{
"merchant_usn": "123456789",
"order_id": "2222",
"installments": "1",
"installment_type": "4",
"authorizer_id": "002",
"amount": "15011",
"soft_descriptor": "Empresa Aluguel de carros XYZ",
"card": {
"expiry_date": "1225",
"security_code": "123",
"holder": "holder"
"additional_data": {
"mcc": "9876",
"subacquirer_merchant": {
"id": "id subseller",
"address": "address",
"city": "city",
"state": "state",
"country": "BRA",
"zip_code": "01307001",
"identification_number": "965551550001639999",
"payment_facilitator_id": "12345678901",
"payment_facilitator_url": "",
"phone_number": "12344321"

Request parameters

The table below describes the transaction creation service request parameters:

merchant_usnUnique sequential number for each order, created by the store. The NSU will be used in all communication with the store, in order to identify the order. As this is a possible key for store-side access, despite being optional for Carat, it is strongly recommended that the field be formatted and sent by the store application. 12 NNO
order_idOrder code to be displayed to the buyer, defined by the retailer. It is advisable that it is different for each order to facilitate traceability.
If the integration of the Store with acquiring networks (Cielo, Redecard, etc.) is with Carat and SiTef* *, the orderId field, which has a maximum length of 40 characters, will be reduced to 12 characters, due to a SiTef** restriction. This reduction will be carried out keeping the characters from left to right (e.g. if an order code entered is 12345678901234567890 in Carat, in SiTef it will only be 123456789012).
< 40 ANNO
installmentsNumber of installments. Send ‘1’ for cash transactions. 2 NYES
installation_typeType of installment financing:
value 3 = interest-free installments from the card administrator.
value 4 = interest-free installments made by the store (adopt this value as standard/default for cash transactions).
br/>Value 6 = interest-free installments from the administrator (IATA).
value 7 = interest-free installments made by the store (IATA).
IATA installments are only used by air transport companies .
authorizer_idAuthorizer code in Carat. Learn more. 3 NNO
amountTotal purchase value (in cents). Example: 1.00 = 100 or 1,100.00 = 110000 – send the value without the comma and period.
soft_descriptorAdditional text that will be displayed next to the name of the establishment on the buyer's credit card statement. Learn more< 25 ANYES
cardCard details.
expiry_dateCard expiration date in MMYY format.< = 4 NCOND.
security_code Card security code< < 5 NCOND.
number Buyer's card number (PAN).< 5 T/FNO
holderBuyer's name< 40 ANYES
additional_dataElemento para envio de dados adicionais.
mccMerchant Category Code< = 4 NYES
subacquirer_merchantSub-acquirer merchant data
idEstablishment ID= 15 NYES
addressAddress of the subseller< 120 ANYES
cityCity< 20 ANYES
stateUF< 30 ANYES
countryCountry according to ISO 3166 numeric code< 3 NYES
zip_codeZip code< 8 NYES
identification_numberSubseller's Identification number< 18 NYES
payment_facilitator_idFacilitator's code. (If it does not reach 11 characters, add zeros to the left)= 11 NYES
payment_facilitator_urlFacilitator's URL< 76 ANYES
phone_numberPhone number< 15 NYES


"code": "0",
"message": "OK. Transaction successful.",
"payment": {
"authorizer_code": "000",
"authorizer_message": "APROVADA 032002400",
"status": "CON",
"nit": "37117091450fe1046a3a2187a7dc25334b4976e69e222ee8123247692acc3c45",
"order_id": "2222",
"customer_receipt": "=== CUSTOMER RECEIPT ===",
"merchant_receipt": "=== MERCHANT RECEIPT ===",
"authorizer_id": "2",
"acquirer_id": "229",
"acquirer_name": "Bin (Via Servicos TEF)",
"authorizer_date": "03/07/2024T16:01",
"authorization_number": "AG4320",
"merchant_usn": "123456789",
"esitef_usn": "240703136024660",
"sitef_usn": "000001",
"host_usn": "032002400",
"amount": "15011",
"payment_type": "C",
"terminal_id": "ES000001",
"payment_date": "03/07/2024T16:01"

Response parameters

If successful, the HTTP response code will be 201. Any other code must be interpreted as an error. The table below describes the response parameters of the transaction creation service:

codeCarat response code. Any code other than 0 means failure. Learn more. 4 N
messageCarat response message.< 500 AN
authorizer_codeAuthorizer response code.< 10 AN
authorizer_messageAuthorizer response message.< 500 AN
statusPayment transaction status in Carat. Learn more.= 3 AN
nitIdentifier of the payment transaction in Carat.= 64 AN
order_idOrder code sent by the store when creating the transaction.< 40 AN
customer_receiptCoupon (via customer).< 4000 AN
merchant_receiptCoupon (via establishment).< 4000 AN
authorizer_idAuthorizer code used in the transaction. 4 N
acquirer_idAcquirer code used in the transaction. 4 N
acquirer_nameName of the acquirer used in the transaction.< 100 AN
authorizer_datePayment effective date returned by the authorizer in the format DD/MM/YYYY'T'HH:mm. Example: 07/13/2017T16:03= 16D
authorization_numberAuthorization number.< 6 AN
merchant_usnUnique sequential number sent by the store when creating the transaction. 12 N
esitef_usnUnique sequential number of the payment transaction in Carat.= 15 N
sitef_usnUnique sequential number of the payment transaction in SiTef.= 6 N
host_usnNSU of the authorizer. Reservation for making PIX payments< 15 AN
amountPurchase value specified by the store (in cents) when creating the transaction. 12 N
payment_typeType of payment from the chosen authorizer: B = bank slip, C = credit, D = debit, P = pure Private Label credit card, T = bank transfer, G = gift card, O = other payment methods, W = Boleto NR via Web Service= 1 AN
terminal_idTerminal code used in the transaction 8 N
payment_datePayment date in Carat in the format DD/MM/YYYY'T'HH:mm. Example: 07/13/2017T16:03= 16D


  • Resource: /e-sitef/api/v2/preauthorizations/
  • HTTP Method: POST
  • Request format: JSON
  • Response format: JSON
  • Header parameters:
merchant_idMerchant code on Carat Portal. The production and certification codes will be different.< 15 ANYES
merchant_keyMerchant authentication key on Carat Portal. The production and certification keys will be different.< 80 ANYES
Content-TypeIt must be sent with the value application/json.= 15 ANYES


To use this example, don't forget to define the variable {{url}} with the value


curl --location 'https://{{url}}/e-sitef/api/v2/preauthorizations/'
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
--header 'merchant_id: xxxxxxxxx'
--header 'merchant_key: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
--data '{
"merchant_usn": "123456789",
"order_id": "2222",
"installments": "1",
"installment_type": "4",
"authorizer_id": "002",
"amount": "15011",
"soft_descriptor": "Empresa Aluguel de carros XYZ",
"card": {
"expiry_date": "1225",
"security_code": "123",
"holder": "holder"
"additional_data": {
"mcc": "9876",
"subacquirer_merchant": {
"id": "id subseller",
"address": "address",
"city": "city",
"state": "state",
"country": "BRA",
"zip_code": "01307001",
"identification_number": "965551550001639999",
"payment_facilitator_id": "12345678901",
"payment_facilitator_url": "",
"phone_number": "12344321"
"subacquirer_merchant_id": ""

Request parameters

merchant_usnUnique sequential number for each order, created by the store. The NSU will be used in all communication with the store, in order to identify the order. As this is a possible key for store-side access, despite being optional for Carat, it is strongly recommended that the field be formatted and sent by the store application. 12 NNO
order_idOrder code to be displayed to the buyer, defined by the retailer. It is advisable that it is different for each order to facilitate traceability.
If the integration of the Store with acquiring networks (Cielo, Redecard, etc.) is with Carat and SiTef* *, the orderId field, which has a maximum length of 40 characters, will be reduced to 12 characters, due to a SiTef** restriction. This reduction will be carried out keeping the characters from left to right (e.g. if an order code entered is 12345678901234567890 in Carat, in SiTef it will only be 123456789012).
< 40 ANNO
installmentsNumber of installments. Send ‘1’ for cash transactions. 2 NYES
installation_typeType of installment financing:
value 3 = interest-free installments from the card administrator.
value 4 = interest-free installments made by the store (adopt this value as standard/default for cash transactions).
br/>Value 6 = interest-free installments from the administrator (IATA).
value 7 = interest-free installments made by the store (IATA).
IATA installments are only used by air transport companies .
authorizer_idAuthorizer code in Carat. Learn more. 3 NNO
amountTotal purchase value (in cents). Example: 1.00 = 100 or 1,100.00 = 110000 – send the value without the comma and period.
soft_descriptorAdditional text that will be displayed next to the name of the establishment on the buyer's credit card statement. Learn more< 25 ANNÃO
cardCard details.
expiry_dateCard expiration date in MMYY format.< = 4 NCOND.
security_code Card security code .< < 5 NCOND.
number Buyer's card number (PAN).< 5 T/FNO
holderMerchant Name< 40 ANYES
additional_dataElemento para envio de dados adicionais.
mccMerchant Category Code< = 4 NYES
subacquirer_merchantEstablishment ID
idCódigo de estabelecimento do subadquirente= 15 NYES
addressAddress of the establishment< 120 ANYES
cityCity< 20 ANYES
stateState< 30 ANYES
countryCountry according to ISO 3166 numeric code< 3 NYES
zip_codeZip code< 8 NYES
identification_numberSubseller's Identification number< 18 NYES
payment_facilitator_idFacilitator's code. (If it does not reach 11 characters, add zeros to the left)= 11 NYES
payment_facilitator_urlFacilitator's URL< 76 ANYES
phone_numberPhone number< 15 NYES


"code": "0",
"message": "OK. Transaction successful.",
"pre_authorization": {
"authorizer_code": "000",
"authorizer_message": "APROVADA 032002401",
"status": "CON",
"nit": "091dcbfddb12db09867ac16a9f96a44a6a2d904816b5cab88da61f141ed30dbe",
"order_id": "2222",
"customer_receipt": "=== CUSTOMER RECEIPT ===",
"merchant_receipt": "=== MERCHANT RECEIPT ===",
"authorizer_id": "2",
"acquirer_id": "2651",
"acquirer_name": "Bin (Via Servicos TEF)",
"authorizer_date": "03/07/2024T16:02",
"authorization_number": "AG9729",
"merchant_usn": "123456789",
"esitef_usn": "240703136024674",
"sitef_usn": "000002",
"host_usn": "032002401",
"amount": "2000",
"payment_type": "C",
"terminal_id": "ES000001"

Response parameters

codeCarat response code. Any code other than 0 means failure. Learn more. 4 N
messageCarat response message.< 500 AN
authorizer_codeAuthorizer response code.< 10 AN
statusPayment transaction status in Carat. Learn more.= 3 AN
nitIdentifier of the payment transaction in Carat.= 64 AN
order_idOrder code sent by the store when creating the transaction.< 40 AN
customer_receiptCoupon (via customer).< 4000 AN
merchant_receiptCoupon (via establishment).< 4000 AN
authorizer_idUnique sequential number sent by the store when creating the transaction. 12 N
acquirer_idAcquirer code used in the transaction. 4 N
acquirer_nameName of the acquirer used in the transaction.< 100 AN
authorizer_datePayment effective date returned by the authorizer in the format DD/MM/YYYY'T'HH:mm. Example: 07/13/2017T16:03= 16D
authorization_numberAuthorization number.< 6 AN
merchant_usnUnique sequential number sent by the store when creating the transaction. 12 N
esitef_usnUnique sequential number of the payment transaction in Carat.= 15 N
sitef_usnUnique sequential number of the payment transaction in SiTef.= 6 N
host_usnNSU of the authorizer. Reservation for making PIX payments< 15 AN
amountPurchase value specified by the store (in cents) when creating the transaction. 12 N
payment_typeType of payment from the chosen authorizer: B = bank slip, C = credit, D = debit, P = pure Private Label credit card, T = bank transfer, G = gift card, O = other payment methods, W = Boleto NR via Web Service= 1 AN
terminal_idTerminal code used in the transaction 8 N
payment_datePayment date in Carat in the format DD/MM/YYYY'T'HH:mm. Example: 07/13/2017T16:03= 16D


  • Resource: /e-sitef/api/v1/preauthorizations/capture/{{nit}}
  • HTTP Method: POST
  • Request format: JSON
  • Response format: JSON
  • Header parameters:
merchant_idMerchant code on Carat Portal. The production and certification codes will be different.< 15 ANYES
merchant_keyMerchant authentication key on Carat Portal. The production and certification keys will be different.< 80 ANYES
Content-TypeIt must be sent with the value application/json.= 15 ANYES


To use this example, don't forget to define the variable {{url}} with the value


curl --location 'https://{{url}}/e-sitef/api/v1/preauthorizations/capture/{{nit}}'
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
--header 'merchant_id: xxxxxxxxx'
--header 'merchant_key: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
--data '{
"amount": "1200",
"installments": "1",
"installment_type": "4",
"soft_descriptor": "Empresa Aluguel de carros XYZ",
"subacquirer_merchant" : {
"id": "id subseller",
"city" : "mogi das cruzes",
"state" : "SSA",
"country" : "BRA",
"zip_code" : "01307001",
"identification_number" : "96555155000163",
"payment_facilitator_id" : "12345678901",
"payment_facilitator_url" : "",
"phone_number": "12344321",
"mcc": "1234"

Request parameters

amountTotal purchase value (in cents). Example: 1.00 = 100 or 1,100.00 = 110000 – send the value without the comma and period.< 12 NSIM
installmentsNumber of installments. Send ‘1’ for cash transactions.< 2 NSIM
installment_typeType of installment financing:
value 3 = interest-free installments from the card administrator.
value 4 = interest-free installments made by the store (adopt this value as standard/default for cash transactions).
br/>Value 6 = interest-free installments from the administrator (IATA).
value 7 = interest-free installments made by the store (IATA).
IATA installments are only used by air transport companies.
< 2 NSIM
soft_descriptorAdditional text that will be displayed next to the name of the establishment on the buyer's credit card statement. Learn more< 25 ANNÃO
subacquirer_merchantSub-acquirer merchant data
idsubseller ID= 15 NSim
addressAddress of the subseller< 120 ANSim
cityCity< 20 ANSim
stateState< 30 ANSim
countryCountry according to ISO 3166 numeric code< 3 NSim
zip_codeZip code< 8 NSim
identification_numberSubseller's Identification number< 18 NSim
payment_facilitator_idFacilitator's code. (If it does not reach 11 characters, add zeros to the left)= 11 NSim
payment_facilitator_urlFacilitator's URL< 76 ANSim
phone_numberPhone number< 15 NSim
mccMerchant Category Code< = 4 NSim


"code": "0",
"message": "OK. Transaction successful.",
"card": {
"suffix": "8589",
"bin": "548573"
"capture": {
"authorizer_code": "000",
"authorizer_message": "APROVADA 032002402",
"status": "CON",
"nit": "86dabba4d4c22b7ac69ef7787d95a9b447a3ff6ebf04f5685097bbf568ffb098",
"order_id": "2222",
"customer_receipt": "=== CUSTOMER RECEIPT ===",
"merchant_receipt": "=== MERCHANT RECEIPT ===",
"authorizer_id": "2",
"acquirer_id": "2651",
"acquirer_name": "Bin (Via Servicos TEF)",
"authorizer_date": "03/07/2024T16:03",
"authorization_number": "AG9729",
"merchant_usn": "123456789",
"esitef_usn": "240703136024684",
"sitef_usn": "000003",
"host_usn": "032002402",
"amount": "1200",
"payment_type": "C",
"issuer": "0"

Response parameters

codeCarat response code. Any code other than 0 means failure. Learn more. 4 N
messageCarat response message.< 500 AN
authorizer_codeAuthorizer response code.< 10 AN
authorizer_messageAuthorizer response message.< 500 AN
statusPayment transaction status in Carat. Learn more.= 3 AN
nitIdentifier of the payment transaction in Carat.= 64 AN
order_idOrder code sent by the store when creating the transaction.< 40 AN
customer_receiptCoupon (via customer).< 4000 AN
merchant_receiptCoupon (via establishment).< 4000 AN
authorizer_idUnique sequential number sent by the store when creating the transaction. 12 N
acquirer_idAcquirer code used in the transaction. 4 N
acquirer_nameName of the acquirer used in the transaction.< 100 AN
authorizer_datePayment effective date returned by the authorizer in the format DD/MM/YYYY'T'HH:mm. Example: 07/13/2017T16:03= 16D
authorization_numberAuthorization number.< 6 AN
merchant_usnUnique sequential number sent by the store when creating the transaction. 12 N
esitef_usnUnique sequential number of the payment transaction in Carat.= 15 N
sitef_usnUnique sequential number of the payment transaction in SiTef.= 6 N
host_usnNSU of the authorizer. Reservation for making PIX payments< 15 AN
amountPurchase value specified by the store (in cents) when creating the transaction. 12 N
payment_typeType of payment from the chosen authorizer: B = bank slip, C = credit, D = debit, P = pure Private Label credit card, T = bank transfer, G = gift card, O = other payment methods, W = Boleto NR via Web Service= 1 AN


The cancellation process requires authentication with signature by default, see details in Online Payment | Cancellation and follow the request below. Note: For transactions already captured it will also be possible to use Asynchronous Cancellation, see details in Online Payment | Asynchronous Cancellation

  • Resource: /e-sitef/api/v2/cancellations/{{nit}}
  • HTTP Method: POST
  • Request format: JSON
  • Response format: JSON
  • Header parameters:
merchant_idMerchant code on Carat Portal. The production and certification codes will be different.< 15 ANYES
merchant_keyMerchant authentication key on Carat Portal. The production and certification keys will be different.< 80 ANYES
Content-TypeIt must be sent with the value application/json.= 15 ANYES
AuthorizationMerchant's signature in the Bearer {signature} format. Example: Bearer JHVGytfdgauygdauiw78264284527852897hagdg.
This parameter is mandatory, unless the Merchant has enabled mutual authentication (mTLS) along with Carat.
< 2000 ANCOND.


To use this example, don't forget to define the variable {{url}} with the value


curl --location 'https://{{url}}/e-sitef/api/v2/cancellations/{{nit}}'
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
--header 'merchant_id: xxxxxxxxx'
--header 'merchant_key: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {assinatura}'
--data '{
"amount": "1200",
"subacquirer_merchant" : {
"id": "id subseller",
"city" : "mogi das cruzes",
"state" : "SSA",
"country" : "BRA",
"zip_code" : "01307001",
"identification_number" : "96555155000163",
"payment_facilitator_id" : "12345678901",
"payment_facilitator_url" : "",
"phone_number": "12344321"

Request parameters

amountTotal purchase value (in cents). Example: 1.00 = 100 or 1,100.00 = 110000 – send the value without the comma and period. 12 NYES
mccMerchant Category Code = 4 NYes
subacquirer_merchantSub-acquirer merchant data
idEstablishment ID< 120 ANYes
addressAddress of the establishment< 120 ANYes
cityCity< 20 ANYes
stateUF< 30 ANYes
countryCountry according to ISO 3166 numeric code
zip_codeZip code< 8 NSim
identification_numberSubseller's Identification number< 18 NSim
payment_facilitator_idFacilitator's code. (If it does not reach 11 characters, add zeros to the left)= 11 NSim
payment_facilitator_urlFacilitator's URL< 76 ANSim
phone_numberPhone number< 15 NSim


"code": "0",
"message": "OK. Transaction successful.",
"cancellation": {
"authorizer_code": "000",
"authorizer_message": "APROVADA 032002404",
"status": "CON",
"nit": "8907c3dd7419ecd654378fecc02ae70bfbc3a1a54faf26603b9124f9f7687d77",
"order_id": "2222",
"customer_receipt": "=== CUSTOMER RECEIPT ===",
"merchant_receipt": "=== MERCHANT RECEIPT ===",
"authorizer_id": "2",
"acquirer_id": "2651",
"acquirer_name": "Bin (Via Servicos TEF)",
"authorizer_date": "03/07/2024T16:03",
"authorization_number": "AG4692",
"merchant_usn": "123456789",
"esitef_usn": "240703136034691",
"sitef_usn": "000005",
"host_usn": "032002404",
"amount": "1500",
"payment_type": "C",
"esitef_date": "03/07/2024T16:03",
"is_host_cancel": "false"

Response parameters

codeCarat response code. Any code other than 0 means failure. Learn more. 4 N
messageCarat response message.< 500 AN
authorizer_codeAuthorizer response code.< 10 AN
authorizer_messageAuthorizer response message.< 500 AN
statusPayment transaction status in Carat. Learn more.= 3 AN
nitIdentifier of the payment transaction in Carat.= 64 AN
order_idOrder code sent by the store when creating the transaction.< 40 AN
customer_receiptCoupon (via customer).< 4000 AN
merchant_receiptCoupon (via establishment).< 4000 AN
authorizer_idUnique sequential number sent by the store when creating the transaction. 12 N
acquirer_idAcquirer code used in the transaction. 4 N
acquirer_nameName of the acquirer used in the transaction.< 100 AN
authorizer_datePayment effective date returned by the authorizer in the format DD/MM/YYYY'T'HH:mm. Example: 07/13/2017T16:03= 16D
authorization_numberAuthorization number.< 6 AN
merchant_usnUnique sequential number sent by the store when creating the transaction. 12 N
esitef_usnUnique sequential number of the payment transaction in Carat.= 15 N
sitef_usnUnique sequential number of the payment transaction in SiTef.= 6 N
host_usnNSU of the authorizer. Reservation for making PIX payments< 15 AN
amountPurchase value specified by the store (in cents) when creating the transaction. 12 N
payment_typeType of payment from the chosen authorizer: B = bank slip, C = credit, D = debit, P = pure Private Label credit card, T = bank transfer, G = gift card, O = other payment methods, W = Boleto NR via Web Service= 1 AN
esitef_dateEffective date of cancellation in Carat in the format DD/MM/YYYY'T'HH:mm. Example: 07/13/2017T16:03= 16 D
is_host_cancelThis field will return the value true in case of cancellation via the host. 5 T/F