Bradescard Voucher

Bradescard Voucher allows a customer who does not yet have a Bradescard's card to make a purchase with this card in a Bradescard's partner store. This case is exclusive for Bradescard route.

In this case, there are two scenarios:

  • The store do have a Bradescard card printer, so it prints the card on the fly;
  • The store does not have a Bradescard Card Printer, so it generates a request and receive a PDF containing all necessary information to carry out the transaction.

Supported Carat Portal Interfaces#

We will use the following interfaces for integration with Bradescard Voucher routing:

  • REST Payment
  • REST Cancellation
  • Cancellation via Merchant's Portal

REST Payment#

Payment using Bradescard Voucher follows REST Payments default transactional flow, being differentiated by sending the following mandatory fields during the payment step:

  • card.number - fictional card number;
  • acquirer.authorization_number - voucher authorization code.

Other fields related to card date are not used.


The cancellation of transactions via Bradescard Voucher follows the existing flow, without the need of sending extra fields new.

For cancellation via Merchant's Portal, it is necessary to fill the card number used in the transaction.

For more details, refer to the following documentation:

Balance and Statement Inquiries#

The Bradescard Voucher does not allow balance and statement inquiries.