Procedure that the POS must implement in case of withdrawal of the transaction with the Establishment's QRCode

In cases where the transaction is canceled, the procedure that the POS must perform is to send the value -1 in the “ContinuaFuncaoSiTefInterativo” function in the “Continua” parameter. With this, the transaction will be interrupted (CliSiTef will return the -2 return for this function indicating that the transaction was canceled by the operator) and the undo will be sent automatically, so that the transaction will not be charged to the customer under any circumstances.

As communication errors may occur, the undo may not be sent immediately, in which case it will be sent at the beginning of the next transaction. To ensure that undoes are sent to SiTef, it is recommended that Automation uses the “DescarregaMensagens” function from time to time.