Execution of the scheduled payments

Daily, Carat Portal will process the scheduled payments of the current day and will update the data of the executed schedules, like the current number of executions. If the schedule was already executed by the number of times defined by the merchant, it will have its status changed to FIN (finished) and will be disregarded in future processing procedures, as only schedules with ATV (active) status will be executed.

The current number of executions will only be incremented for payments that were confirmed or denied. In the case of denied transactions, Carat Portal won't reprocess them.

For each payment done, Carat Portal will send a POST to the merchant status URL configured on Carat Portal, informing many data of the recurrent payment.

Status notification of the recurrent payments#

On the merchant registration, a Status URL must be informed, where Carat Portal will send a HTTPS POST (x-www-form-urlencoded) containing the status of the transaction in addition to the following parameters:

To use this example, don't forget to define the variable {{url}} with the value

curl -X POST \
https://dominiocadastrado.com.br \
-H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
-H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
-d 'rede=Cielo&tipoFinanciamento=4&binCartao=455182&nsuesitef=191107123456780&tid=authorizerTransactionId12345678901234567&parcelas=2&nsu=merchantNsu&autorizadora=1&nit=nitWith64charsLike1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123457&pedido=orderId1234&
nitIdentifier of the transaction.= 64 A
pedidoOrder code.< 20 A
nsuUnique sequential number sent by the merchant.< 12 N
nsuSitefUnique sequential number returned by SiTef.< 10 A
nsuHostUnique sequential number returned by the authorizer.< 20 A
nsuesitefUnique sequential number generated by Carat Portal.= 15 A
statusStatus of the transaction, as described in the table in item 24.1.= 3 A
cupomCustomer's receipt. It doesn't contain line breaks, as each line is separated by @ instead.< 4000 A
cupomEstabelecimentoMerchant's receipt. It doesn't contain line breaks, as each line is separated by @ instead.< 4000 A
autorizadoraCode of the authorizer on Carat Portal.< 10 A
tipoPagamentoPayment type: C=Credit, D=Debit, B=Boleto= 1 A
dataSitefPayment authorization date returned by the acquirer in DD/MM/YYYY hh:mm:ss format.= 19 A
dataEfetivacaoPayment authorization date on Carat Portal in DD/MM/YYYY hh:mm:ss format.= 19 A
parcelasNumber of installments.< 2 N
tipoFinanciamentoFinancing type selected by the customer.= 1 N
mensagemAuthorizer message.< 1024 A
redeAcquirer name.< 500 A
numeroAutorizacaoAuthorization number.= 6 A
tidTransaction ID. This field will only be sent on payments with acquirers that are external to SiTef.= 40 A
eciElectronic Commerce Indicator (ECI) of the transaction.= 3 A
bandeiraIssuer code.< 5 N
binCartaoBIN (first 6 digits) of the card used on the payment.= 6 N
finalCartaoLast 4 digits of the card used on the payment.= 4 N


Besides the parameters above, Carat Portal can return others without previous warning. Please, be prepared to receive extra parameters besides those in the table above, which can be ignored.

It isn't necessary to return data on the POST, however if the POST is not successful (HTTP Status-Code 200: OK), Carat Portal will try again until the configured number of times on the system, before giving up and leaving the transaction as pending notification.

Not all of the parameters will be present on all transactions. Some parameters might not be sent depending on the payment method or if the transaction is not concluded, for example.

Schedule restrictions#

Listed below are functionalities that are unsupported by the schedule operation:

  • Sending SiTef prefixes
  • Payments with authentication
  • Payments with fraud analysis
  • IATA transactions
  • Using cards with SiTef's encryption
  • Sending the card security code on the scheduled payments