Recharge query service

This call allows the store to query the status of a recharge and its related payment (if any) on Carat Portal, at any time within the flow, after creating a recharge.


The transaction status query on Carat Portal does NOT query the status of the transaction on the acquirer / authorizer. This service returns the transaction status on the Carat Portal database.

Example: If a payment transaction is confirmed on Carat Portal, but is reversed via telephone directly to the acquirer / authorizer, this reversal will not necessarily be reflected on the Carat Portal transaction status query service.

Call details#

  • Resource: /v3/recharge/{nit}
  • HTTP Method: GET
  • Request format: query string
  • Response format: JSON
  • Header parameters:
AuthorizationAuthenticity signature in Bearer {signature} format. Learn more.

Example: Bearer hh39458f73hf45324765ft349h5f73t4h95f34.

This field is mandatory if the transaction was created with the signature process.
< 2000 ANCOND.


Below is an example of the recharge query service call using the cURL tool.


To use this example, don't forget to define the variable {{url}} with the value

--request GET "https://{{url}}/e-sitef/v3/recharge/asdfghjk12345678asdfghjk12345678asdfghjk12345678asdfghjk12345678/?merchantkey=ASDFGHJK12345678ASDFGHJK12345678"


"name":"nome operadora (186)",
"branch_code":"cod filial",
"receipt":"COMPROVANTE DE RECARGA mimimim cliente whiskas sache"
"receipt":"COMPROVANTE DE RECARGA mimimim estabelecimento lorem ipsum"
"date":"12/12/2012 12:12"

Request parameters#

The table below describes the request parameters of the recharge query service:

nitIdentification of the recharge transaction on Carat Portal= 64 ANYES
merchantkeyMerchant key on Carat Portal used on the recharge transaction.< 80 ANYES

Response parameters#

In case of success, the HTTP response code will be 200. Any other code must be interpreted as an error. The table below describes de response parameters of the recharge query service:

statusStatus of the recharge transaction on Carat Portal. Learn more.= 3 AN
order_idOrder code generated by the store.< 20 AN
merchant_usnUSN of the transaction generated by the store.< 12 N
send_payment_methodsFlag indicating wether payment methods should be sent on the next transaction. It will have the value true when positive.< 5 N
codeCarat Portal response code. Any code different from 0(zero) means failure. Learn more.< 4 N
messageCarat Portal response message.< 500 AN
usnUSN of the recharge transaction on Carat Portal= 15 N
This field adds a list of elements.
nameAuthorizer name= 3 AN
codeResponse code returned by authorizer= 3 AN
messageMessage returned by the authorizer< 500 AN
branch_codeRecharge branch code< 5 N
merchant_codeMerchant code registered on the acquirer< 15 N
confirmation_dataConfirmation code< 128 AN
authorizer_dateAuthorization date on the authorizer in MMDD format= 4 N
authorizer_timeAuthorization time on the authorizer in HHmmSS format= 6 N
host_usnHost USN< 20 N
sitef_usnSiTef USN< 10 N
numberAuthorization number< 6 N
total_copiesNumber of copies of the customer receipt< 2 N
receiptCustomer receipt< 4000 AN
total_copiesNumber of copies of the merchant receipt< 2 N
receiptMerchant receipt< 4000 AN
maxMaximum number of payment methods< 2 N
This field adds a list of available payment methods.
nameName of the available payment method. Learn more.< 200 AN
This element is only returned if a payment related to a recharged was sent.
statusStatus of the payment transaction on Carat Portal. Learn more.= 3 AN
amountAmount of the payment, the same sent on the creation of the payment transaction.< 12 AN
typePayment type of the chosen authorizer:
  • B = boleto
  • C = credit
  • D = debit
  • P = credit card Private Label
  • T = bank transfer
  • G = gift card
  • O = other payment methods
= 1A
authorizer_idAuthorizer ID on Carat Portal< 5 N
acquirerPayment type< 50 AN
usnCarat Portal USN< 15 AN
datePayment date on Carat Portal in DD/MM/YYYY hh:mm format.< 19A
codeResponse code returned by SiTef= 3 AN
receiptPayment customer receipt< 4000 AN
receiptPayment merchant receipt< 4000 AN
numberPayment authorization number< 6 AN
sitef_usnSiTef USN< 15 AN
host_usnAuthorizer USN< 15 AN
tidID of the transaction on the authorizer, returned by some payment types.< 40 AN
eciEletronic commerce indicator returned by some payment types.< 3 AN
sitef_datePayment date on SiTef in DD/MM/YYYY hh:mm format.< 19 AN
statusStatus of the transaction on the analysis institution.= 3 AN
codeResponse code of the risk analysis.< 4 AN
messageResponse message of the risk analysis.< 100 AN
keyExtra parameter keyN/A
valueExtra parameter valueN/A

| hashes
Hashes to indicate changes on recharge tables | general | General hash. Indicates wether some of the specific hashes has been changed. | = 16 AN | | wallet | Specific hash. If the recharge tables change, so does the returned hash, which has the following format:
<Network>:<Hash>:<Service 1>,<Service 2>, <Service N> Where:

  • Network = Recharge network code
  • Hash = Recharge network table hash.
  • Service n = Network service type, which can be:
    • F1-1 = National Phone Recharge
    • F1-3 = Other Products Recharge
  • Separators are two semicolons.

Example: 106:0D0C4FCB0D0C4FCB:F1-1,F1-3 | < 100 AN |

Querying transactions from a group of merchants#

Carat Portal requires that the credentials (merchantkey) are the same used on the transaction to be queried. However, if the merchant needs, Carat Portal can allow queries with credentials from other merchants from the same group. For that, just request our support and production teams to make this configuration.