List branch data service

Call details for recharge type normal#

  • Resource: /v3/rechargebranches
  • HTTP Method: GET
  • Request format: query string
  • Response format: JSON

Call details for recharge type others#

  • Resource: /v3/rechargebranches/{nit}
  • HTTP Method: PUT
  • Request format: JSON
  • Response format: JSON

Call details for recharge type invoice#

  • Resource: /v3/rechargebranches/{nit}
  • HTTP Method: PUT
  • Request format: JSON
  • Response format: JSON
  • Header parameters:
Content-TypeIt must be sent with the value application/json.= 15 ANYES
AuthorizationAuthenticity signature in Bearer {signature} format. Learn more.

Example: Bearer hh39458f73hf45324765ft349h5f73t4h95f34.

This field is mandatory if the transaction was created with the signature process.
< 2000 ANCOND.


Below are some examples of the list branch data service call using the cURL tool.

List branch data for recharge type normal#


To use this example, don't forget to define the variable {{url}} with the value

--request GET "https://{{url}}/e-sitef/v3/rechargebranches?nit=asdfghjk12345678asdfghjk12345678asdfghjk12345678asdfghjk12345678&ddd=00&dealercode=1&generalhash=0000000000000000"


"message":"OK. Transaction successful.",
"display":"Qual o nome do seu pai?",

List branch data for recharge type others#


To use this example, don't forget to define the variable {{url}} with the value

--request PUT "https://{{url}}/e-sitef/v3/rechargebranches/asdfghjk12345678asdfghjk12345678asdfghjk12345678asdfghjk12345678"
--header "Content-Type: application/json"


"message":"OK. Transaction successful.",

List branch data for recharge type invoice#


To use this example, don't forget to define the variable {{url}} with the value

--request PUT "https://{{url}}/e-sitef/v3/rechargebranches/asdfghjk12345678asdfghjk12345678asdfghjk12345678asdfghjk12345678"
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
"answers": [
"description": "12340000000"


"list_branch_data_response": {
"status": "NOV",
"esitef": {
"message": "OK. Transaction successful.",
"code": "0"
"sitef": {
"message": "Transacao Aprovada",
"code": "000"
"host": {
"message": "Vivo SP Pos",
"code": "00"
"acquirer": {
"merchant_code": "302800000000000"
"authorization": {
"authorizer_date": "0831",
"authorizer_time": "153738",
"host_usn": "000310003",
"sitef_usn": "310003",
"number": "000000"
"hashes": {
"general": ""
"questions": [],
"payment_methods": {
"max": "4",
"available": [
"general": [],
"categories": [
"amount_ranges": [],
"fixed_amounts": []
"invoices": [
"expiry_date": "21082007 ",
"consumption_reference": "082007 ",
"bar_code": "84600000000633900800011200241676508075070821 ",
"amount": "6339 ",
"message": "Boleto Parcial Credito Manual "
"expiry_date": "25072007 ",
"consumption_reference": "072007 ",
"bar_code": "84660000001866000800011200243533509074070925 ",
"amount": "18660 ",
"message": "Boleto Parcial Credito Manual "
"expiry_date": "25092007 ",
"consumption_reference": "092007 ",
"bar_code": "84650000000442500800011000217664609076070925 ",
"amount": "4425 ",
"message": "Boleto Parcial Credito Manual "
"expiry_date": "10092007 ",
"consumption_reference": "082007 ",
"bar_code": "84610000001385700800011200474416708073070910 ",
"amount": "13857 ",
"message": "Boleto Parcial Credito Manual "
"expiry_date": "25082007 ",
"consumption_reference": "082007 ",
"bar_code": "84650000001165200800011200243533508078070825 ",
"amount": "11652 ",
"message": "Boleto Parcial Credito Manual "
"expiry_date": "21092007 ",
"consumption_reference": "092007 ",
"bar_code": "84690000019276900800011200245374209078070921 ",
"amount": "192769 ",
"message": "Boleto Parcial Credito Manual "
"tv_package_subscription_codes": [],
"invoice_holder_name": "",
"echo": "12340000000"

Request parameters for recharge type normal#

The table below describes the request parameters of the list branch data service for recharge type normal:

nitIdentification of the recharge transaction on Carat Portal= 64 ANYES
dddPhone area code= 2 NYES
dealercodeDealer code< 3 NYES
generalhashIdentification code of the table with the data related to the recharges (dealers, branches, amount ranges, expiration periods, among others).= 16 ANNO

Request parameters for recharge type others#

The table below describes the request parameters of the list branch data service for recharge type others:

Dealer information. This information is returned on the list dealers call. Information about the dealer's affiliate This field adds a list of answers. Mandatory if questions were received on the list dealers service.
nitIdentification of the recharge transaction on Carat Portal. Attention: This field goes in the URL of the request, not in the body.= 64 ANYES
dddPhone area code (DDD)= 2 NNO
general_hashIdentification code of the table with the data related to the recharges (dealers, branches, amount ranges, expiration periods, among others).= 16 ANNO
codeDealer code< 3 NYES
type_codeDealer type code< 3 NYES
codeDealer branch code< 11 NYES
codeQuestion code to be answered ( of the list dealers service response)< 20 ANCOND.
descriptionAnswer of the question< 200 ANCOND.

Request parameters for recharge type invoice#

The table below describes the request parameters of the list branch data service for recharge type invoice:

Dealer information. This information is returned on the list dealers call. Information about the dealer's affiliate This field adds a list of answers. Mandatory if questions were received on the list dealers service.
nitIdentification of the recharge transaction on Carat Portal. Attention: This field goes in the URL of the request, not in the body.= 64 ANYES
general_hashIdentification code of the table with the data related to the recharges (dealers, branches, amount ranges, expiration periods, among others).= 16 ANNO
codeDealer code< 3 NYES
codeDealer branch code< 11 NYES
codeQuestion code to be answered ( of the list dealers service response)< 20 ANCOND.
descriptionAnswer of the question< 200 ANCOND.

Response parameters#

In case of success, the HTTP response code will be 200. Any other code must be interpreted as an error. The table below describes de response parameters of the list branch data service:

statusStatus of the recharge transaction on Carat Portal. Learn more.= 3 AN
invoice_holder_nameInvoice holder name< 70 AN
echoField to be resent for recharge of the type invoice< 128 AN
resubmit_transactionIndicates that this transaction should be resent with the selected TV subscription code.< 5 AN
codeCarat Portal response code. Any code different from 0(zero) means failure. Learn more.< 4 N
messageCarat Portal response message.< 500 AN
codeResponse code returned by the authorizer< 4 AN
generalIdentification code of the table with the data related to the recharges (dealers, branches, amount ranges, expiration periods, among others).= 16 AN
This field adds a list of questions for positive confirmation. The returned questions must be answered by the user and have their answers sent to Carat Portal in the next step (recharge)
idQuestion identification code< 20 AN
displayText of the question to be presented< 180 AN
ruleIndicates where the data must be collected. Learn more.< 2 AN
minIndicates the minimum response size< 4 N
maxIndicates the maximum response size< 5 N
typeIndicates the data type of the response to be collected. Learn more.< 3 AN
min_valueIndicates the minimum response value< 3 N
max_valueIndicates the maximum response value< 3 N
This field adds a list of general characteristics among the branches.
messageGeneral message.< 101 AN
This field adds a list of categories.
codeCategory code< 5 AN
descriptionDescriptive text of the category< 100 AN
This field adds a list of amount ranges.
messageRecharge information message< 100 AN
amount_keyRecharge amount key (to be sent when performing the recharge).< 5 AN
bonus_in_percentageRecharge bonus in percentage of face value (to 2 decimal places: eg 1% = 100).< 5 N
bonusRecharge bonus.< 12 N
payment_amountRecharge cost.< 12 N
bonus_categoryBonus category (must be one of the values of categories.code).< 5 AN
expiry_dateExpiration period (in days).< 4 N
bonus_expiry_dateExpiration period of the bonus (in days).< 4 N
min_amountMinimum value of the range, in cents.< 12 N
max_amountMaximum value of the range, in cents.< 12 N
This field adds a list of fixed amounts.
messageRecharge information message< 100 AN
amount_keyRecharge amount key (to be sent when performing the recharge).< 5 AN
bonus_in_percentageRecharge bonus in percentage of face value (to 2 decimal places: eg 1% = 100).< 5 N
bonusRecharge bonus.< 12 N
payment_amountRecharge cost.< 12 N
bonus_categoryBonus category (must be one of the values of categories.code).< 5 AN
expiry_dateExpiration period (in days).< 4 N
bonus_expiry_dateExpiration period of the bonus (in days).< 4 N
amountRecharge amount, in cents.< 12 N
maxMaximum number of payment methods< 2 N
availableThis field adds a list of available payment methods and their details. Learn more.< 200 AN
messageInstitution name< 16 AN
codeInstitution response code< 12 AN
merchant_codeEstablishment code< 15 N
numberAuthorization number< 6 AN
sitef_usnSitef usn< 6 N
host_usnHost usn< 12 N
authorizer_timeAuthorizer response time HHMMSS= 6 N
authorizer_dateAuthorizer response date MMDD= 4 N
This object contains fields returned on recharge transactions of type invoice
expiry_dateInvoice expiration date in format AAAAMMDD= 8 N
consumption_referenceInvoice reference date in format MMAAAA= 6 N
bar_codeInvoice bar code< 44 N
amountInvoice amount< 12 N
messageGeneral message< 64 AN

Return of the payment_methods.available field#

The payment_methods.available field may contain one or more data for reading. Each read data has the following format:



TypeN: indicates the allowed payment method.

02EFT Debit
03EFT Credit
10Electronic Ticket
11Paper Ticket
12Digital Wallet
50EFT Cards
99Other Forms


  • If there are no fields to be collected, only the TypeN field is returned.
  • In the future, new payment methods can be added to this table. If the POS does not know one of these new methods, it should be prepared to "skip" only this method, without affecting its processing.
  • The "EFT Card" payment method (type 50) is used to group all payment methods involving cards (types 02 and 03) into a single type.

IDCollectionNn: Indicates the field ID that the POS must collect and send to SiTef.

IDDescriptionMeaning and Format
01Cheque input type0: CMC-7 input
1: typing the first line of the cheque
2: typing the CMC-7
02Cheque data- CMC-7 read or typed
- Enter the first line of the cheque, in the following format: Compensation (3), Bank (3), Agency (4), C1 (1), Current Account (10), C2 (1), Cheque Number (6) and C3 (1), in this order.
03Destination NetworkIdentification of the authorization of the EFT transaction (according to the Destination Network table from the SiTef specification).
04SiTef USN of the EFT TransactionIdentification of the EFT transaction on SiTef.
05SiTef date of the EFT Transaction
(currently, not used)
Date of the EFT transaction on SiTef in DDMMYYYY format.
06EFT Transaction Company CodeSiTef code for the Company used on the EFT transaction.
07EFT Transaction Host USNIdentification of the EFT transaction on the Host.
08EFT Transaction Host DateDate of the EFT transaction on the Host, in DDMMYYYY format.
09EFT Transaction Source CodeEstablishment Code of the EFT transaction.
10Confirmation data of the EFT transaction.Field 9 returned when performing the EFT transaction.
11EFT Transaction Authorization CodeHost Authorization Code for the EFT transaction.
12Cheque AmountTotal Cheque Amount. A same cheque can be used to pay more than one account.
13Destination Network - ComplementComplement of ID 03 (See note 1 below)
14Card IssuerIssuer of the card used on the EFT transaction.
15Payment Type00 - spot sale
01 - Pre-dated
02 - Installments without interest
03 - Installments with interest


The field with ID 13, different from the others, does not indicate a field to be collected. This field works as a complement to field ID 03, sending a list of allowed destination networks in the following format:

13 (Network1, Network2, ..., NetworkN)

That is, if only the field ID 03 is present, it must be a destination network, without any restriction of access to networks that can pay a particular transaction (Example: recharge). However, if the indicators ID 03 and 13 are present, the first indicates that the destination network must be collected, while the second indicates which destination networks are allowed to pay the recharge.

In addition, as the collection was indicated by ID 03, the POS must send the destination network to SiTef also via this ID (and not via ID 13).

In the future, new fields can be added to this table. If the POS does not recognize one of the new fields, it must be prepared to "skip" only this field, without affecting its process.