List dealers service

Call details#

  • Resource: /v3/rechargedealers
  • HTTP Method: GET
  • Request format: query string
  • Response format: JSON
  • Header parameters:
AuthorizationAuthenticity signature in Bearer {signature} format. Learn more.

Example: Bearer hh39458f73hf45324765ft349h5f73t4h95f34.

This field is mandatory if the transaction was created with the signature process.
< 2000 ANCOND.


Below are some examples of the list dealers service call using the cURL tool.

List dealers of normal recharge#


To use this example, don't forget to define the variable {{url}} with the value

--request GET "https://{{url}}/e-sitef/v3/rechargedealers?nit=asdfghjk12345678asdfghjk12345678asdfghjk12345678asdfghjk12345678&generalhash=0000000000000000"


"message":"OK. Transaction successful.",

List dealers of other products recharge#


To use this example, don't forget to define the variable {{url}} with the value

--request GET "https://{{url}}/e-sitef/v3/rechargedealers?nit=asdfghjk12345678asdfghjk12345678asdfghjk12345678asdfghjk12345678"


"message":"OK. Transaction successful.",
"type_name":"PIN TELEFONE",
"type_name":"PIN TELEFONE",
"name":"HABBO HOTEL-Habbo Hotel",
"type_name":"PIN GAMES",
"name":"Level Up!",
"type_name":"PIN GAMES",
"name":"Crianca Esperanca",
"name":"Crianca Esperanca",
"name":"Sorte Mania",
"name":"Sorte Mania",

List dealers of signature invoice payment (invoice)#


To use this example, don't forget to define the variable {{url}} with the value

--request GET "https://{{url}}/e-sitef/v3/rechargedealers?nit=asdfghjk12345678asdfghjk12345678asdfghjk12345678asdfghjk12345678"


"list_dealers_response": {
"status": "NOV",
"esitef": {
"message": "OK. Transaction successful.",
"code": "0"
"authorizer": {
"message": "",
"code": "000"
"hashes": {
"general": "85E791AD85E791AD"
"dealers": [
"name": "Vivo SP Pos",
"code": "800",
"branches": [
"name": "Vivo SP Pos",
"code": "80019000000"
"questions": [
"id": "LPERG:126",
"display": "Identificação do cliente ou Número de contrato",
"rule": "0",
"min": "1",
"max": "11",
"type": "N"

List dealers with sent signature#


To use this example, don't forget to define the variable {{url}} with the value

--request GET "https://{{url}}/e-sitef/v3/rechargedealers?nit=asdfghjk12345678asdfghjk12345678asdfghjk12345678asdfghjk12345678&generalhash=0000000000000000"
--header "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJtZXJjaGFudF9pZCI6IkxPFGFURVNURSIsIm1lcmNoYW50X2tleSI6IkYxOURFMDAxNzdDMzAxREYyNEE4NjVGMTFBQTlCMjU2N0Y2MDQ4OTFGMEY0NEREQUVGRDY5RTMzOTlFMEI3RTEiLCJvcmRlcl9pZCI6IjEzMDE0ODU4NjYzIiwibWVyY2hhbnRfdXNuIjoiMTQ0NjY4MTAxNiIsInRpbWVzdGFtcCI6IjE2MDUzMDM1ODA5MzEifQ.JoYz8mQ8PZ8MCr5QXygbivAy2x9fvdUEGu_jSeOYF-BtSGm7ZSYWFVokyowabk1FM2NCklubb5eEB_-g9lCi1ntRQ9iqKhdldm-U8pl0V98u7Mv_hR-pcp6MHfqql0T-mhkOv1WkfYO1igck4N6EfsNu9iO126BwgvJQC456WjAUW5jgjRHboc6htvaak9NBs6yRVLNZY03cR9gKtQXMoHeXiCGeNU55_2W1SOeRJPk-OsyBzvVlZBX5RdfUjB2BOdRI7H2TDBBS-GZaMV3b2eS5_84JTySFnriCTXJ-Y1FzBnH60e4fTfAiYy1P_J-j9hyXjLYgtRu8jQd8ITfiFG3h4ZIysb4CA_lJNg_d4YuCqhBiZcpculcbfXlcrcfPV-CpDytfiLz34FDWH0Q7Vlna1YuSNOKPzDIUx1MOMZO9bpwaE6Q3kClkqri92-42yeLoUKH6PUrlMpE3JrfuBelALE4ce7QzCrNjcvoqR_KVmCm6ozBjPn9qY0s7x7qe6ZLur7hNUoX79JdWGZy1-bx8dSqqpLrU0SXbMBqtvch5FvdUkktbkJpZAr7q6e0nR13_mK3RTV7adOEw03E_ocUk__rEmjGDAHMSWGmiPowu14jD1-VZ2Yf8FeoKzHYcXmIbEReTVHshk9faBICMQzMS3SXaqow4WXqULZiLTwc"


"message":"OK. Transaction successful.",

Request parameters#

The table below describes the request parameters of the list dealers service:

nitIdentification of the recharge transaction on Carat Portal= 64 ASIM
generalhashIdentification code of the table with the data related to the recharges (dealers, branches, amount ranges, expiration periods, among others).= 16 ANÃO

Response parameters#

If successful, the HTTP response code will be 200. Any other code must be interpreted as an error. The table below describes the response parameters of the list dealers service:

statusStatus of the recharge transaction on Carat Portal. Learn more.= 3 AN
codeCarat Portal response code. Any code different from 0(zero) means failure. Learn more.< 4 N
messageCarat Portal response message.< 500 AN
codeResponse code returned by the authorizer< 4 AN
messageMessage returned by the authorizer< 64 AN
generalIdentification code of the table with the data related to the recharges (dealers, branches, amount ranges, expiration periods, among others).= 16 AN
codeDealer code= 3 N
nameDealer name< 100 AN
codeBranch code= 11 N
nameBranch name< 100 AN
This field adds a list of questions for positive confirmation. The returned questions must, necessarily, be answered by the user and have their answers sent to Carat Portal in the next step (list branch data).
idQuestion identification code< 20 AN
displayText of the question to be presented< 180 AN
ruleIndicates where the data must be collected. Learn more.< 2 AN
minIndicates the minimum response size< 4 N
maxIndicates the maximum response size< 5 N
typeIndicates the data type of the response to be collected. Learn more.< 3 AN
min_valueIndicates the minimum response value< 3 N
max_valueIndicates the maximum response value< 3 N

Return of the questions.rule field#

0Operator keyboard
1PinPad (Not applicable)
2Magnetic track reading on PIN PAD (Not applicable)
3Automation (The question should not be presented to the operator / customer to collect the response. In this case, the automation itself must answer the question without operator / customer intervention).
4Supervisor password (not PINPAD)
5Operator keyboard with double typing.
The <Display> must contain two texts, the first one refers to the request for the input of the data and the second, refers to the confirmation of the input of the data, which must be the same as the first.

The texts must be separated by ; as informed below.

<Display> = Text for 1st collection; Text for 2nd collection (confirmation)
6Barcode reader
7Typing with confirmation (In this case, a screen must be displayed for confirmation of the collected data).

Return of the questions.type field#

ANSpecial alphanumeric (ans).
LNLetters (not accented) and numbers.
NxNumeric where x is the number of decimal digits supported.
VxValue with x decimal digits.
SMenu type Yes / No.
ScMenu type Yes / No conditional. If the input is "No", the transaction must be aborted.
MFree menu.
In this case, the <Display> field will have the following format: the menu text must be separated by a | character from the options. The options, in turn, should consist of index and text separated by :, while one option is separated by the other by ^. That is:
<Display> = <Menu Text>|<option 1>^<option 2>^...^<option N>
At where,
<Menu Text> = Menu header text (Ex: Choose the banner of the card)
<Option N> = <Index>:<Option Text> (Ex: 1:Visa)
McFree menu with confirmation.
Here is the Free Menu rule, where:
<Display> = <Menu Text>|<Confirmation Text>|<option 1>^<option 2>^...^<option N>
M0Free menu type 0 (zero). (Not applicable)
It follows the rule of the Free Menu with confirmation, however, the selection indexes of the menu in the display must be suppressed and only selected with the POS arrows.
Free Menu Display Example:
1 – Yes
2 – No
Sample Free Menu Display Type 0: