
The merchant can configure its credit card transactions on Carat Portal to be routed to many acquirers, such as Cielo e-Commerce.

In this document, we will be using the nomenclature “CieloEC” to reference this acquirer.

Therefore, the merchant can configure Carat Portal to route VISA transactions to CieloEC and MASTERCARD transactions to e-Rede, for example.

Supported Carat Portal interfaces#

The following interfaces are supported for integration with CieloEC:

  • REST PreAuthorization
  • REST Payment
  • REST Cancel
  • HTML Payment
  • HTML Pre Authorization

Attention: This integration also allows 3DS authentication data (eci, reference_id and cavv) to be sent. Learn more about this service.

Supported authorizers#

Listed below are the authorizers supported to be routed to CieloEC coupled with their respective IDs:


    • VISA (1)
    • MASTERCARD (2)
    • ELO (41)
    • AURA (6)
    • JCB (43)
    • DINERS (33)
    • DISCOVER (44)

    • VISA ELECTRON (221)

    • BRADESCO (8)
    • BANCO DO BRASIL (408)

    • VISA (1)
    • VISA ELECTRON (221)
    • MASTERCARD (2)
    • ELO (41)

Required credentials#

The merchant must obtain from CieloEC the credentials listed below and send them to Software Express or register them as explained in the next item of this document.

merchantIDMerchant's identification on CieloEC.< 36 AN
merchantKeyPublic key for double authentication on CieloEC.< 40 AN

Important: HTML Payment: if these credentials are not registered, the corresponding authorizer won't be shown at the authorizer selection screen.

Registering information on the merchant's portal#

The merchant itself can register the information obtained from CieloEC on Carat Portal's merchant's portal. It is also possible to change configurations. For this purpose, the merchant must select the desired authorizer and enter the editing screen as in the example below:

Portal CieloEC

Registering SoftDescriptor on Carat Portal#

Registering softDescriptor is optional, has 13 characters of max size, does not accept special characters and is only available for Visa and Mastercard.


In this section, the CieloEC transactional flow particularities will be presented.

REST Payment#

This interface supports the sending of external authentication fields


You can send the fields below during the payment effectuation step:

holderHolder name printed on the card< 25 ANNO
eciEletronic Commerce Indicator – Card holder authentication security level indicator.< 3 NNO
xidAuthentication cardholder's transaction identifier in 3DS, performed in a service external to Carat (In our 3DS, the xid is referenced by three_ds_server.trans_id in the return of the 3DS transaction creation service).< 40 NConditional (required only for 3DS 2.0 authenticated transactions)
cavvCardholder Authentication Verification Value - Codes that refers to card holder authentication result data.< 40 NNO
version3DS version used in authentication process.1 ANYES, when the 3DS version is 2
reference_idRequestID returned in authentication process.36 ANYES, when the 3DS version is 2

Credit with authentication#

You can send the field below during the transaction creation step:

authorizer_authenticationIdentifies whether the merchant wants a payment with authentication. If positive, send true.< 5 ANYES for credit with authentication

If the payment is successful, our service will return the transaction with status PEN (pending) and the following field will be present:

authentication_urlURL for which the merchant must redirect its customer for its authentication.< 56 AN

After a successful authentication, the payment will always be confirmed (CON status), which means that it isn't possible to do a credit with authentication without auto confirmation.

On the image below you can check how a transaction with authentication works:

Credit with CieloEC authentication


With the exception of Corona Voucher transactions, all debit operations always require authentication and, hence, the authorizer_authentication field is not considered. The debit flow is the same of a credit with authentication.

Every debit transaction is auto-confirmed, so it is not allowed an debit with postpone confirmation.

Credit with fraud analysis#

To do a credit with fraud analysis, it's necessary to send the additional_data field with additional information. Its value follows the JSON format as in the example below:

"surname":"credito AF",
"city":"Rio de Janeiro",
"address_street_name":"Rua Jupiter",
"address_street_complement":"AP 201",
"name":"Sr Comprador Teste",
"complement":"AP 201",
"city":"Rio de Janeiro",
"street_name":"Rua Jupiter"
"name":"Comprador accept",
"value":"Eu defini isso"

The following table describes the fields in the JSON:

Additional customer data Additional shipment address data Browser additional data Product additional data Product purchase additional data Passenger additional data Passenger phone number additional data Acquirer additional parameters Shipment service additional data Addressee phone number data Flight connections data
anti_fraud_institutionInstitution that will carry out the fraud analysis to the merchant. It must be sent with the value AUTHORIZER.< 10 ANYES for fraud analysis
anti_fraudEnables the fraud analysis service. Allowed values:

enabled_before_auth – fraud analysis will be done BEFORE the payment authorization. If the analysis is rejected, the payment won't be initiated. enabled_after_auth – fraud analysis will be done AFTER the payment authorization. If the analysis is rejected, the payment will be cancelled.
< 19 ANYES for fraud analysis
anti_fraud_criteriaCriteria for fraud analysis execution. Allowed values:

ON_SUCCESS – only perform the analysis if the transaction had succeeded. ALWAYS – always perform the analysis.
< 10 ANNO
finger_print_idIdentifier used to cross-check information obtained by the internet user's Browser with the data sent for analysis. This same value must be passed in the SESSIONID variable of the DeviceFingerPrint script. Learn more< 50 ANNO
giftBoolean that indicates whether the order is a gift or not.< 5 T/FNO
returns_acceptedBoolean that defines whether returns are accepted for this order.< 5 T/FNO
journey_typeType of the trip. Allowed values:

< 10 ANNO
nameCustomer name.
Note: the concatenation of name and surname must not surpass 255 characters.< 200 ANNO
surnameCustomer surname.
Note: the concatenation of name and surname must not surpass 255 characters.< 200 ANNO
emailCustomer email< 255 ANNO
born_dateCustomer birthdate, in the YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS format e.g. 1991-01-02T08:30:0019 ANNO
adress_street_nameCustomer street name address< 255 ANNO
adress_street_numberCustomer street number address< 15 ANNO
adress_street_complementCustomer street complement address< 50 ANNO
adress_zip_codeCustomer zip code address e.g. 21241140.< 9 ANNO
cityCustomer city address< 9 ANNO
stateCustomer state address e.g. SP2 ANNO
address_countryCustomer country address e.g. BRA< 35 ANNO
street_nameStreet name shipment address< 255 ANNO
street_numberStreet number shipment address< 15 ANNO
complementComplement shipment address< 50 ANNO
zip_codeZip code shipment address Ex.: 21241-140.< 9 ANNO
cityCity shipment address< 50 ANNO
stateState shipment address< 2 ANNO
countryShipment country, following ISO 3166-1, e.g. BRA3 ANNO
cookies_acceptedBoolean to identify whether the customer's browser accepts cookies. Send true if positive.< 5 ANNO
emailEmail registered in the customer's browser.< 100 ANNO
host_nameHost name where the customer was before entering the store's website.< 60 ANNO
ip_addressCustomer's IP address. It is strongly recommended sending this field.< 15 ANNO
agentName of the browser used by the customer, e.g. Chrome.< 40 ANNO
gift_categoryField that will evaluate the billing and delivery addresses for different cities, states or countries. Allowed values:

OFF - Ignores fraud analysis for divergent addresses.
YES - In case of divergence between billing and delivery addresses, mark with small risk.
NO - In case of divergence between billing and delivery addresses, mark with high risk.
< 3 ANNO
riskProduct risk level. Allowed values:

LOW - The product has a history of few chargebacks.
NORMAL - The product has a history of chargebacks considered normal.
HIGH - The product has a history of chargebacks above average.
< 6 ANNO
titleProduct name.< 255 ANNO
quantityQuantity of the product to be acquired.< 15 NNO
idProduct identifier.< 255 ANNO
unit_priceProduct unit price in cents.< 15 NNO
category_idProduct type. Allowed values: art, baby, coupon, donation, computing, camera, video_game, television, car_electronic, electronic, automotive, entertainment, fashion, game, home, musical, phone, service, learning, ticket, travel, virtual_good, physical, other, adult_content, gift_certificate, handling, shipping, shipping_and_handling or subscription< 21 ANNO
timeLevel of importance of client order day time. Allowed values:

LOW - Low importance in the time of day when the purchase was made, for the fraud analysis.
NORMAL - Normal importance in the time of day when the purchase was made, for the fraud analysis.
HIGH - High importance in the time of day when the purchase was made, for the fraud analysis.
OFF - Purchase time does not affect fraud analysis.
< 6 ANNO
hostLevel of importance of email and IP addresses of clients at scoring risk. Allowed values:

LOW - Low importance of e-mail and IP address in fraud analysis.
NORMAL - Normal importance of e-mail and IP address in fraud analysis.
HIGH - High importance of e-mail and IP address in fraud analysis.
OFF - E-mail and IP address do not affect fraud analysis.
< 6 ANNO
non_sensicalLevel of testing performed on buyer data with meaningless received orders. Allowed values:

LOW - Low importance of the verification made on the buyer's order, in fraud analysis.
NORMAL - Normal importance of the verification made on the buyer's order, in fraud analysis.
HIGH - High importance of the verification made on the buyer's order, in fraud analysis.
OFF - Verification of buyer's order does not affect fraud analysis.
< 6 ANNO
obscenitiesLevel of obscenity of received orders. Allowed values:

LOW - Low importance of obscenity verification of buyer's order, in fraud analysis.
NORMAL - Normal importance of obscenity verification of buyer's order, in fraud analysis.
HIGH- High importance of obscenity verification of buyer's order, in fraud analysis.
OFF - Obscenity verification of buyer's order does not affect fraud analysis.
< 6 ANNO
phoneLevel of tests performed with the telephone numbers. Allowed values:

LOW - Low importance on tests performed with the telephone numbers.
NORMAL - Normal importance on tests performed with the telephone numbers.
HIGH - High importance on tests performed with the telephone numbers.
OFF - Phone number tests do not affect fraud analysis.
< 6 ANNO
velocityLevel of importance of customer purchase frequency. Allowed values:

LOW - Low importance in the number of purchases made by the customer in the last 15 minutes.
NORMAL - Normal importance in the number of purchases made by the customer in the last 15 minutes.
HIGH - High importance in the number of purchases made by the customer in the last 15 minutes.
OFF - The frequency of purchases made by the customer does not affect the fraud analysis.
< 6 ANNO
emailPassenger email.< 255 ANNO
legal_documentPassenger ID< 32 ANNO
namePassenger name< 120 ANNO
ratingPassenger classification. Allowed values:

ADULT - Adult passenger.
CHILD - Child passenger.
INFANT - Infant passenger.
YOUTH - Teenage passenger.
STUDENT - Student passenger.
SENIOR_CITIZEN - Elderly passenger.
MILITARY - Military passenger.
< 14 ANNO
customer_classAirline classification. Values such as Gold or Platinum can be used.< 32 ANNO
ddiPassenger phone IDD.< 3 NNO
dddPassenger phone DDD.< 3 NNO
numberPassenger phone number.< 9 NNO
keyId of the additional information to be sent. Learn more< 1024 NNO
valueValue of additional information to be sent.< 1024 ANNO
nameDelivery recipient name.< 255 ANNO
methodType of product delivery service. Allowed values:

SAME_DAY – Delivery on the same day.
ONE_DAY – Delivery overnight or on the next day.
TWO_DAY – Delivery in two days.
THREE_DAY – Delivery in three days.
LOW_COST – Low cost delivery service.
PICKUP – Product to be picked up in the store.
OTHER – Other method.
NONE – No delivery service, as it is a service or subscription.
< 9 ANNO
ddiAddressee phone IDD.< 3 ANNO
dddAddressee phone DDD.< 3 ANNO
numberAddressee phone number.< 9 ANNO
flight_dateDate, hour and minute of flight departure in the YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS format, e.g. 1991-01-02T08:30:00.< 19 ANNO
fromAirport code of the starting point of the trip, e.g. CGH.< 3 ANNO
toAirport code of the ending point of the trip, e.g. GYN.< 3 ANNO

Additionally, this operation will return the following fields:

Fraud analysis data
codeFraud analysis response code.< 4 N
messageFraud analysis response message.< 200 AN
statusFraud analysis transaction status on Carat Portal. This field can take the following values:
NOV – New.
EXP – Expired.
ACC – Accepted
REJ – Rejected
REV – Reviewing
INV – Invalid
3 AN

Zero Dollar#

The Zero Dollar call consists of a payment call with the amount field with a value equal to zero and can be made to Visa, Mastercard and Elo, Credit and Debit, using the REST interface.

HTML Payment#

The topics below refer to the transaction creation phase, in which the merchant sends a JSON document to Carat Portal. For further information on how to make a payment using the HTML interface, check HTML Payment page.


No particularities in comparison to other acquirers.

Credit with authentication#

To perform a credit with authentication, the parameter below must be sent:

authorizer_authenticationIdentifies whether the merchant wants a payment with authentication. If positive, send true.< 5 ANYES for credit with authentication


"merchant_id": "LOJATESTE",
"order_id": "20150925001",
"amount": "1000",
"transaction_type": "payment",
"authorizer_authentication": "true"

As transactions with authentication are always confirmed, it isn't possible to postpone the confirmation (postpone_confirmation parameter).


Debit operations always require authentication and, hence, the authorizer_authentication field is not considered.

Every debit transaction is auto-confirmed, so it is not allowed an debit with postpone confirmation.

Credit with fraud analysis#

The merchant must send in the additional_data element the fraud analysis fields. Example:

"merchant_id": "LOJACIELOEC",
"merchant_usn": "9876",
"order_id": "11",
"redirect": "M",
"authorizer_id": "",
"amount": "1000",
"installments": "",
"installment_type": "",
"style": "N",
"soft_descriptor": "",
"transaction_type": "payment",
"back_url": {
"url_success": "lojateste/loja/loja-index.jsp?pagina=sucesso",
"url_failure": "lojateste/loja/loja-index.jsp?pagina=fracasso",
"url_cancel": "lojateste/loja/loja-index.jsp?pagina=fracasso"
"additional_data": {
"payer": {
"name": "Comprador",
"surname": "credito AF",
"email": "",
"city": "Rio de Janeiro",
"state": "RJ",
"address_street_name": "Rua Jupiter",
"address_street_number": "174",
"address_zip_code": "21241140",
"born_date": "1991-01-02T08:30:00",
"address_street_complement": "AP 201",
"address_country": "BRA"
"shipment": {
"method": "LOW_COST",
"name": "Sr Comprador Teste",
"phones": [
"number": "21114740",
"ddd": "16",
"ddi": "55"
"receiver_address": {
"complement": "AP 201",
"city": "Rio de Janeiro",
"state": "RJ",
"country": "BRA",
"zip_code": "21241140",
"street_number": "174",
"street_name": "Rua Jupiter"
"connections": [
"from": "RAO",
"to": "SAO",
"flight_date": "2020-01-02T20:15:00"
"gift": "false",
"browser": {
"email": "",
"agent": "Chrome",
"cookies_accepted": "false",
"host_name": "Teste",
"ip_address": ""
"items": [
"title": "ItemTeste",
"quantity": "1",
"id": "1488392648367",
"risk": "HIGH",
"hedge": {
"time": "NORMAL",
"host": "OFF",
"17efine17ical": "OFF",
"obscenities": "OFF",
"phone": "OFF",
"velocity": "HIGH"
"passenger": {
"name": "Comprador accept",
"email": "",
"rating": "ADULT",
"phone": {
"number": "999994444",
"ddd": "11",
"ddi": "55"
"legal_document": "1234567890",
"customer_class": "Gold"
"unit_price": "1000",
"category_id": "other",
"gift_category": "OFF"
"extra_param": {
"acquirer_params": [
"key": "95",
"value": "Eu 17efine isso"
"anti_fraud": "enabled_before_auth",
"anti_fraud_institution": "AUTHORIZER",
"anti_fraud_criteria": "ALWAYS",
"finger_print_id": "074c1ee676ed4998ab66491013c565e2",
"returns_accepted": "true",
"journey_type": "OUTWARD"

Electronic Transfer#

No particularities in comparison to other acquirers.

REST Pre Authorization#


You can send the fields below during the pre-authorization effectuation step:

holderHolder name printed on the card< 25 ANNO
eciEletronic Commerce Indicator – Card holder authentication security level indicator.< 3 NNO
xidAuthentication cardholder's transaction identifier in 3DS, performed in a service external to Carat (In our 3DS, the xid is referenced by three_ds_server.transId in the return of the 3DS transaction creation service).< 40 NConditional (required only for 3DS 2.0 authenticated transactions)
cavvCardholder Authentication Verification Value - Codes that refers to card holder authentication result data.< 40 NNO
version3DS version used in authentication process.1 ANYES, when the 3DS version is 2
reference_idRequestID returned in authentication process.36 ANYES, when the 3DS version is 2

Credit with fraud analysis#

To perform a credit with fraud analysis, it's necessary to send the additional_data with additional information. Its format is the same described here.

Additionally, the following fields will be returned:

Fraud analysis data
codeFraud analysis response code.< 4 N
messageFraud analysis response message.< 200 AN
statusFraud analysis transaction status on Carat Portal. This field can take the following values:
NOV – New.
EXP – Expired.
ACC – Accepted
REJ – Rejected
REV – Reviewing
INV – Invalid
3 AN


Installment data must be sent on the pre authorization phase and, if they are not sent, Carat Portal assumes spot sale. Then, on the capture step, the same installment data must be sent.

HTML Pre Authorization#

The topics below refer to the transaction creation phase, in which the merchant sends a JSON document to Carat Portal. For further information on how to make a pre authorization using the HTML interface, check Pre Authorization Page.

Credit with/without fraud analysis#

The parameters must be sent in the same format of a HTML payment.


On the capture phase, the same data used on the pre authorization must be sent.

REST Cancel#

Learn more about this interface.

Test cards#

Cielo has the following card for testing:

IssuerCard numberExpiry dateCVV


CieloEC doesn't support IATA payments (International Air Transport Association).

Dynamic MCC Fields#

Payment and Pre-Authorization REST Transaction creation service#

Request Parameters#

Additionally to the fields in the REST Transaction Creation Service, the fields below are used specifically in dynamic MCC transactions integrated to the Cielo EC routing:

Element for sending additional data. Element for sending data related to a subacquirer's merchant.
soft_descriptorPersonalized phrase that will be printed on the bearer's invoice. For information regarding the dynamic MCC, it is equivalent to the name of the submerchant.< 18 ANYES
mccSubmerchant's MCC.= 4 NYES
subacquirer_merchant_idSubmerchant's code. Deprecated field!!! Use instead.< 15 NNO
idSubmerchant's code.< 15 NYES
phone_numberSubmerchant's phone number.< 14 ANNO
addressSubmerchant's address.< 48 ANNO
citySubmerchant's city.< 13 ANNO
stateSubmerchant's state, in two-digit acronym format (e.g.: SP).= 2 AYES
countrySubmerchant's country. Follow the standard ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 (e.g.: BR).= 2 AYES
zip_codeSubmerchant's zip code.< 9 ANYES
identification_numberSubmerchant's CNPJ.< 18 NYES
payment_facilitator_idFacilitator's code.< 11 NYES



To use this example, don't forget to define the variable {{url}} with the value

--request POST ""
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
--header "merchant_id: xxxxxxxx"
--header "merchant_key: xxxxxxxxxxx"
"merchant_usn": "19035815234",
"order_id": "1616438400044",
"installments": "1",
"installment_type": "4",
"authorizer_id": "2",
"amount": "1300",
"soft_descriptor": "L012121",
"additional_data": {
"mcc": "1111",
"subacquirer_merchant": {
"id": "12345",
"address": "Avenida Paulista, 2000",
"city": "São Paulo",
"state": "SP",
"country": "BR",
"zip_code": "01107001",
"identification_number": "53455823000178",
"payment_facilitator_id": "654321",
"phone_number": "+55 11 99999-9999"


"code": "0",
"message": "OK. Transaction successful.",
"payment": {
"status": "NOV",
"nit": "6215a32a557f5dc4627b540f517e40abd6a8411cf89a2e073913aa25d7c95590",
"order_id": "1616438400044",
"merchant_usn": "19035815234",
"amount": "1300"

Payment and Pre-Authorization REST effectuation service#

In addition to the fields mentioned in REST Payment effectuation service and REST Pre-Authorization effectuation service, the fields below are used specifically in dynamic MCC transactions integrated to the Cielo EC routing:

soft_descriptorPersonalized phrase that will be printed on the bearer's invoice. For information regarding the dynamic MCC, it is equivalent to the name of the submerchant. Required only if it was not sent in the soft_descriptor of the transaction initialization step.< 18 ANYES
mccSubmerchant's MCC. Required only if it was not sent in the additional_data.mcc of the transaction initialization step.= 4 NYES
subacquirer_merchant_idSubmerchant's code. Required only if it was not sent in the of the transaction initialization step.< 15 NNO


It is in the transaction effectuation step that we send the accumulated dynamic MCC data. However, if the mcc field is not sent at any time and is not registered, the other dynamic MCC fields will not be passed on. This field is necessary to identify that the merchant wants to send sub-acquisition data.



To use this example, don't forget to define the variable {{url}} with the value

--request POST ""
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
--header "merchant_id: xxxxxxxx"
--header "merchant_key: xxxxxxxxxxx"
"card": {
"number": "4024007197692931",
"expiry_date": "1222",
"security_code": "123"


"code": "0",
"message": "OK. Transaction successful.",
"payment": {
"authorizer_code": "6",
"authorizer_message": "Operation Successful",
"status": "CON",
"nit": "6215a32a557f5dc4627b540f517e40abd6a8411cf89a2e073913aa25d7c95590",
"order_id": "1616438400044",
"customer_receipt":"=== CUSTOMER RECEIPT ===",
"merchant_receipt":"=== MERCHANT RECEIPT ===",
"authorizer_id": "2",
"acquirer_id": "201",
"acquirer_name": "Cielo e-Commerce",
"authorizer_date": "22/03/2021T15:40",
"authorization_number": "316176",
"merchant_usn": "19035815234",
"esitef_usn": "210322068747730",
"host_usn": "362400",
"tid": "9fcd1663-0662-4761-9b9b-b269217cfc32",
"amount": "1300",
"payment_type": "C",
"authorizer_merchant_id": "6d29e58f-b29f-4e7e-8bf2-4d53b71acc1e",
"payment_date": "22/03/2021T15:40"

Fields conversion table#

The conversion table between Cielo ECommerce fields and Carat Portal fields is presented below.

Cielo EC fieldCarat Portal fieldObservations
Softdescriptor(1)soft_descriptorThe Carat Portal field soft_descriptor can be sent in the transaction creation request or be registered by the Carat Portal Support Team.
EstablishmentCode(3)additional_data / subacquirer_merchant / payment_facilitator_id or paymentFacilitatorIdThe Carat Portal PaymentFacilitatorID field can be sent in the transaction creation request or configured when the user defines a routing using Cielo ECommerce. In the latter case, this field can be edited in the Merchant Portal ("Autorizadoras" > "Configurar Autorizadoras") or by sending a request to the Carat Portal Support Team.
Mcc(2)additional_data / mcc or mccThe Carat Portal field mcc can be sent in the transaction creation request or be registered by the Carat Portal Support Team.
EstablishmentCode(2)additional_data / subacquirer_merchant_id or additional_data / subacquirer_merchant / id or subacquirer_merchant_id or subacquirerMerchantIdThe SubMerchant / SubMerchantID field can be sent in the transaction creation request, REST payment or pre-authorization effectuation request or configured when the user defines a routing using Cielo ECommerce. In the latter case, this field can be edited in the Merchant Portal ("Autorizadoras" > "Configurar Autorizadoras") or by sending a request to the Carat Portal Support Team.
Identity(2)additional_data / subacquirer_merchant / identification_numberThis field can be sent in the transaction creation. Contact the Carat Portal Support Team to register or change the default value of this field in your store.
Address(2)additional_data / subacquirer_merchant / addressThis field can be sent in the transaction creation. Contact the Carat Portal Support Team to register or change the default value of this field in your store.
City(2)additional_data / subacquirer_merchant / cityThis field can be sent in the transaction creation. Contact the Carat Portal Support Team to register or change the default value of this field in your store.
State(2)additional_data / subacquirer_merchant / stateThis field can be sent in the transaction creation. Contact the Carat Portal Support Team to register or change the default value of this field in your store.
CountryCode(2)additional_data / subacquirer_merchant / countryThis field can be sent in the transaction creation. Contact the Carat Portal Support Team to register or change the default value of this field in your store.
PostalCode(2)additional_data / subacquirer_merchant / zip_codeThis field can be sent in the transaction creation. Contact the Carat Portal Support Team to register or change the default value of this field in your store.
PhoneNumber(2)additional_data / subacquirer_merchant / phone_numberThis field can be sent in the transaction creation. Contact the Carat Portal Support Team to register or change the default value of this field in your store.
(1) Payment
(2) PaymentFacilitator.SubEstablishment
(3) PaymentFacilitator