
The merchant can configure in Carat Portal how credit card transactions are routed. There are many acquirers and payment methods available, and one of them is GlobalPayments.

In this document, the nomenclature GlobalPaymentsWS will be used.

Therefore, in Carat Portal, the merchant can configure, for example, VISA cards routed to GlobalPaymentsWS, and MASTERCARD cards to CIELO, and so on.

Carat Portal supported interfaces for integration#

The following interfaces are supported for integration with GlobalPaymentsWS:

  • REST Payment
  • REST Pre-Authorization
  • REST Cancel
  • HTML Payment
  • HTML Pre-Authorization
  • Cancel via Carat Portal Merchant's Portal

Attention: This integration also allows 3DS authentication data (eci, xid and cavv) to be sent. Learn more about this service.

Allowed Authorizers / Issuers#

For more information about authorizers / issuers available to transactions by GlobalPaymentsWS routing, please contact GlobalPayments acquirer.

Required credentials#

The merchant must obtain from GlobalPaymentsWS the credentials listed below and send them to Software Express or register them as explained in the next item of this document.

terminalTerminal number defined by GlobalPaymentsWS.< 3 N
merchantCodeMerchant code defined by GlobalPaymentsWS.< 15 N
secretKeyMerchant secret key in GlobalPaymentsWS.AN

Registering information in Carat Portal Merchant's Portal#

The merchant itself can register the information obtained from GlobalPaymentsWS on Carat Portal's merchant's portal. It is also possible to change configurations. For this purpose, the merchant must select the desired authorizer and enter the editing screen as in the example below:

Transaction Flows#

In this section, the GlobalPaymentsWS transactional flow particularities will be presented.

REST Pre-Authorization#

Pre-authorization effectuation service#

Although Carat Portal allows sending financing data (installments) in the capture step of the Pre-Authorization REST interface, GlobalPaymentsWS requires this information on the pre-authorization effectuation step. Learn more.

Pre-authorization capture service#

In the capture service, the transaction value must be equal or less than the pre-authorized transaction.

GlobalPaymentsWS requires that the installments are sent on the pre-authorization effectuation step. Therefore, the installments field value in the capture service is not considered. In addition, GlobalPaymentsWS considers that all installment plans are without interest. So the installment_type field value is not considered in capture method.

REST Payment#

This interface supports sending the recurrency flag, external authentication fields, and the soft descriptor.

Late confirmation#

REST Payment has the postpone_confirmation field on the transaction creation service, which indicates whether the payment will be done with automatic or manual confirmation, the latter being done by calling the payment confirmation service. However, due to the GlobalPaymentsWS API, when performing a payment with late confirmation, in practice a pre-authorization request is called and the payment confirmation service method generates a capture request.

Card query service#

This service does a query that validates the card used in the payment using the GlobalPaymentsWS API. In order to work properly, the ZeroDollar functionality must be enabled on the merchant's registry on GlobalPayments.

HTML Payment#

For HTML payments, during the creation of the transaction in Carat Portal, the postpone_confirmation field allows the payment transaction to become pending at the end of the user interaction with the Carat Portal interface, and later it can be confirmed or undone through the REST Payment Confirmation Interface.

In this case there is also the peculiarity that when the transaction is created with the field postpone_confirmation = true, in practice a pre-authorization request is made to the GlobalPaymentsWS API and, consequently, the confirmation made by the REST interface generates a capture request.


Cancellation requests only will be accepted during the same day (until 23:59:59) that a transaction is captured or confirmed.

The merchant can request a Cancel transaction using the REST cancel interface or the Carat Portal Merchant's Portal.

GlobalPaymentsWS only allows partial cancellations in pre-authorized transactions. For other transaction types, only the full amount transactions can be cancelled.

Authentication via HTML#

If the HTML Payment/Pre-Authorization interface is being used, the following parameter must be sent to perform the authentication:

authorizer_authenticationThis field must be sent with value true if a payment with authentication is desired. Learn more about this service.< 5 ANYES

GlobalPaymentsWS Test Cards#

GlobalPaymentsWS provide the following test card numbers for using in test environment:

Option / ResultCredit card numberExpiry DateCard Security Code
Spot Sale454881204940000412/20123
Installments plan476112000000014812/17111
Deny transaction111111111111111711/20-