Query transactions by date

This functionality is intended to return all transactions for a specific date.

Optionally, you can filter by a specific period (based on start time and end time), or by a terminal in specific.

In GW/Express platform queries, it is possible to filter transactions by a specific customer, sending the client code parameter.

The key consists of the fields:

  • Transaction date
  • Start time
  • End time
  • POS number
  • Customer Code (only on GW/Express platform)

Call details#

  • Method: GET
  • URL: basic URL + transactions/buscadata?datatrn=aaaammdd
  • Answer: Transaction List (see Transaction List)
  • Description of URL parameters:
datatrnTransaction dateNumeric8YYYYMMDDYes
horainicialSearch - start timeNumeric6HHMMSSNo
horafinalSearch - end timeNumeric6HHMMSSNo
numpdvIdentificação do terminal PDVAlfanumérico1 -8-Não
codigo_clienteCustomer codeNumeric1-19-No*

* The customer_code will only be used on SiTef GW/Express platform. Not used on costumers a SiTef-Conciliation


The parameters start-time and end-time are not mandatory, but must always be together, otherwise an error will be returned.


In addition to the transactions carried out, the service Query transactions by date searches for transactions whose pending issues were resolved on the search date, as well as transactions that were canceled on that date.