Quick start

Technical Standards#

The following table summarizes the main technology standards used:

Application ServerJetty
Internet ProtocolTLS v1.1 or TLS v1.
AuthenticationBasic Authentication
Message exchange patternREST
Message patternJSON

Autthentication and WebService Authorization#

To authenticate in the Query WebService, it is necessary to send an authentication in ALL requests of the type: Basic Authentication, where the login and password used will be the same used to access SiTef- Conciliation.

The login sent will be used as a filter for all requests. In other words, if the login sent did not has permission to resolve pending issues (levels "Operator Reports" Store or Headquarters, for example), not no pending items will be returned.

In addition, only transactions from stores associated with the submitted login will be returned and their respective pending issues dealt with. In other words, if the login sent is only allowed to access a single store, only transactions from this store will be returned and only those transactions can be handled.

And when using the consultation on the SiTef GW/Express platform, the same rule for the stores will be applied to customers. Only customer transactions related to the login sent will be returned if the customer parameter has not been sent.


The Query WebService will provide the following features:

  • Query by Transaction
  • Query for Pending Transactions
  • Pending Transaction Cancellation
  • Pending Transaction Confirmation
  • Query Transactions By Date
  • Query of Transactions by Export Date
  • Query Transactions By BIN
  • Query Reversal Transactions
  • Query Reversal Transactions By Date
  • Version

The communication flow is always initiated by the integrator/customer's system by sending a message to WSConsulta, requesting the desired functionality.

The request will be serviced on the same connection (all services will be synchronous). In other words, the service order processing is completed on the same connection, with the return of a JSON message containing the processing return.

Basic URL to access the service:
