Query for pending transactions

This functionality is intended to return all transactions pending in the period indicated in the URL of request (QueryString).

If the dateto parameter contains the current day, transactions made in the last few days will not be included in the response. two hours (based on the current time in the database).

In SiTef GW/Express platform queries, it is possible to filter transactions by a specific customer, sending the customer code parameter.

The key consists of the fields:

  • Initial date
  • Final date
  • Start time
  • End time
  • Customer Code (only on SiTef GW/Express platform)

Call Details#

  • Method: GET
  • URL: URL básica + transacoes/pendencias?datefrom=aaaammdd&dateto=aaaammdd
  • Response: Lista de Transações (vide Lista de Transações)
  • Description of URL parameters:
datefromSearch Period Start DateNumeric8YYYYMMDDYes
datetoSearch Period End DateNumeric8YYYYMMDDYes
horainicialSearch start timeNumeric6HHMMSSNo
horafinalSearch end timeNumeric6HHMMSSNo
codigo_clienteCustomer codeNumeric1-19-No*

* client_code is required when used on SiTef GW/Express platform. Not used on SiTef-Conciliation clients.