Samsung Pay

How it works#

When the payer clicks on the Samsung Pay payment button, the payment methods saved in the Samsung Pay account are displayed. The buyer can quickly select the desired payment method and optionally fill in additional purchase information. After this interaction with Samsung Pay, this same data will be sent / processed by Carat Portal to make the payment flow.

For more information on the payment flow with wallets, see the Overview page.

Required registration data#

In cases of integration via the REST API, it will be necessary for the merchant to use the Software Express Service ID with Samsung. To obtain the Service ID of the homologation / production environment contact our support team.

Supported flags#

The following card networks available at Samsung Pay (Brazil) are supported by Carat Portal:

Acronym on Samsung PayFlag

REST Payment / Pre-Authorization#

In the REST Payment or REST Pre-Authorization, the merchant must perform the first part of the integration with Samsung Pay (all steps of integration until obtaining the Reference ID). please contact Samsung support for more details.

The Reference ID must then be passed on to our REST interfaces.

Send the data to Carat Portal#

When the merchant completes the first part of the integration with Samsung Pay, the Reference ID will be obtained.

This data must be passed through the card.wallet_transaction_id field of the interface.

curl -X POST \<NIT> \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "merchant_id: <MERCHANT_ID>" \
--header "merchant_key: <MERCHANT_KEY>" \
--data-binary '{
"authorizer_id": "410",
"card": {
"wallet_transaction_id": "ReferenceIdExample"

In the example above, it was defined in the authorizer_id field with the value'410', which corresponds to selecting Samsung Pay as the payment method; and was defined in the wallet_transaction_id field with the value of Samsung Pay's Reference ID. A successful execution of the above command will return a JSON similar to the one below.

"code": "0",
"message": "OK. Transaction successful.",
"payment": {
"authorizer_code": "000",
"authorizer_message": "Transacao OK",
"status": "CON",
"nit": "<NIT>",
"order_id": "13034649671",
"customer_receipt": "====PAYER RECEIPT====",
"merchant_receipt": "====MERCHANT RECEIPT====",
"authorizer_id": "410",
"acquirer_id": "1005",
"acquirer_name": "Redecard",
"authorizer_date": "28/02/2020T08:57",
"authorization_number": "132030",
"merchant_usn": "13034649671",
"esitef_usn": "170713097340300",
"sitef_usn": "132030",
"host_usn": "999132030",
"payment_date": "13/07/2017T15:52",
"amount": "1000",
"payment_type": "C",
"issuer": "2",
"authorizer_merchant_id": "<MERCHANT_ID>"

HTML Payment/Pre-Authorization#

To use Samsung Pay with HTML payment/pre-authorization, contact a member of our support team to perform the necessary configuration. It is possible to determine which flags will be accepted in Samsung Pay for HTML integration.

Important: Unlike other digital wallets, payment with Samsung Pay will not require CVV on confirmation. It is the responsibility of the merchant to negotiate with the acquirers to perform payments without the requirement of the security code. Otherwise, this parameter will be requested during the transaction flow.

However, even if the acquirers allow transactions without the security code (CVV2), there is no guarantee that the issuer (Financial Institution) accepts a transaction with this condition (no security code).

REST Capture of Pre-Authorization and REST Cancellation/via Portal#

Samsung Pay does not allow the same Reference ID to be used more than once. Because of this, two-step operations such as Payment/Cancellation, Pre-Authorization/Capture require that the card be stored in Carat Portal. The storage via the HTML interface can be done together with the payment/pre-authorization following the documentation of Payment with card storage or through the REST interface, as described in the chapter below.

REST Card Storage#

Card storage is possible using Samsung Pay's Reference ID. Please contact our support team to make the necessary settings to enable this storage.

REST card storage works as if you were to store any card, but with the following precautions:

  • Instead of sending the card number, send the wallet_transaction_id field with the content of the Reference ID.
  • The authorizer_id field must be '410' (Samsung Pay).

For more details, see here.